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Pamties Ltd Approved Damp Proofing Contractor.

Background. After several years of installing stoves and augmenting and renovating chimney breasts in old houses, we decided to diversify our skill set as we were encountering the problem of damp within the chimney system on a more frequent basis. In almost all of these scenarios, it was the very reason for the customer wanting a stove installed in the first place, that being a method of 'drying the chimney out' and eliminating the dampness. So, it seemed natural to progress from stove installers to damp proofing specialists, the former being an ongoing treatment, whilst the latter being the preventative measure.

Damp proof injection & wood pest control.

damp treatment to walls

There are many different solutions to combating the problem of damp. Flame On use the most up to date methods coupled with high grade components and training.

Flame On offer timber treatments for all UK wood boring insects, ensuring that the larvae to beetle cycle is broken and thus further preventing any more loss of integrity to wooden members. There is a point however, when even chemical treatments cannot save the wooden member due to it being so badly damaged by the infestation. When this happens timber prosthesis will normally have to be applied.

Structural treatment & replacement.

Joist repair and restoration

Unfortunately when beams and other wooden structural members have been ravaged with insect attack or prolonged exposure to wet/dry rot, the afflicted part either has to be removed or at the very least the area of weakness has to be cut back and discarded. The bower beam joist and beam end repair could save valuable time and expense when renovating these particular areas.

Damp proof membrane.

Modern damp proofing techniques include the use of barriers known as membranes. These are particularly effective against rising and penetrative damp that may be carrying hygroscopic salts


The use of the barrier membrane can potentially be economic to facilitate. The system allows only the treated and most at risk areas to be covered, thus eliminating the need for over spending.

Condensation control.

Condensation is arguably one of the hardest forms of dampness to control, it is produced at varying levels, is totally linked to lifestyle choices and can be near impossible to resolve, especially if the core problem is not addressed. We produce moisture when we breath, when we dry clothes, wash, shower, boil the kettle, from central heating, even when we cook. During the typical 'condensation months' - normally for this country during September to April, problems within homes are manifest in the form of condensation. Condensation forms when warm moisture laden air comes into contact with colder surfaces, as the warmer air cools, the moisture contained within the warmer air can no longer be supported and thus condenses as water onto these colder surfaces. These colder surfaces can be an external wall, bathroom tiles or on windows. Unfortunately, if the problem of condensation isn't addressed, then more serious issues can arise such as surface mould, deterioration to wall finishes and in more serious instances, a loss of structural integrity within the property.

Mould dampness

This image illustrates the prominence of mould forming on a painted surface, this is the result of warm moisture laden air condensing against a colder surface to produce water condensate. Left untreated, mould would be expected to take hold relatively quickly. The only way to fully address this problem is to identify the core issues that attribute to the problem of condensation dampness. Only by doing this will the problem be anywhere near resolved, just painting over the stains will only achieve a very temporary success.

Mould produced from the excessive formation of surface condensation can be removed using highly effective fungicides. Again, although these do exactly what is expected of them, they cannot be a one stop cure all. This treatment must be part of a larger ongoing solution.

air extraction and circulation

Ventilation, is more than likely the first step as a permanent preventative solution to the problem of condensation dampness.

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